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 Elliott Sound Products
 Professional results for the Do-It-Yourself enthusiast Average >1,700 Visitors Per Day Since Jan 2001 

arrowPages Last Updated September 2024



Welcome to ESP, the home of DIY audio and electronics articles, and PCBs for popular projects.  Electronics is a wonderful hobby, and with DIY there is a huge scope to get the best performance for less money than otherwise.  DIY is fun and educational, and by building your own audio equipment, you get to learn electronics as well as build equipment that may cost a great deal more in the shops.  ESP is committed to providing high quality projects that are known to work, printed circuit boards (PCBs) for the most popular projects, and to assist you if necessary to complete or debug your project.  There is a very wide range of power amplifiers, preamps, guitar/ bass amplifiers, studio equipment, effects, and other projects to build, including loudspeakers, subwoofers, and many others.  Purchase PCBs to gain access to even more information.  sound-au™ is a trade mark of Elliott Sound Products, and represents the site's primary focus (sound) and where I'm located (au - Australia).

IMPORTANT: Please see the disclaimer for information about these pages.

new Asymmetrical Crossover Using P09 Board
18dB/Octave State-Variable Xover
6-Band Guitar Equaliser
Protected DC Load
Inductor Saturation Tester
Guitar/ Bass Booster Circuits
Low-Voltage Charge-Pumps
Tape Head Preamp - NAB/IEC
Versatile Clipping Indicator
MOSFET Relay Using TPSI3052-Q1

Go to the Contact Page to send me an email.

This site can't exist without purchases from readers, but if you don't need to buy anything please consider a donation to ensure the site's survival.

Products & ServicesUpdate
ProgectsProjects Complete designs and ideas, with schematics and details of how each circuit works, including alternative uses (if applicable)  new Sep 2024
ListProject List Projects 'Quick Access Links' To All Projects In Numerical Order  Aug 2024
PurchasePurchase Information Project Printed Circuit Boards and other ESP merchandiseJul 2024
PricesPrice List Complete Pricelist for all Products - Includes postage to most regions (tracked airmail is used for all orders. Jul 2024
PayPalPayPal Shopping Cart ESP products in a convenient shopping cart (USD non-Australian purchases only)Jul 2024
emailContact Send an email to ESP
Articles & InformationUpdate
articlesArticles Amplifier and power supply design, loudspeakers, electronics theory, beginner information, test and measurement, etc. Sep 2024
app notesApp. Notes Application notes, covering a wide range of different applications, not necessarily audio relatedMay 2022
lampsLamps & Energy Covers not only lamps, but inrush current, external power supplies (aka 'wall warts'), power factor and other poorly understood topics.Jul 2020
valvesValves Valve (vacuum tube) amplifiers, information and analysis. Includes a couple of valve-related projectsJan 2019
tcaasThe Class-A Amplifier Site TCAAS (by Geoff Moss in the UK) is now hosted as an archive by ESP.   Please note:   Queries will be answered, but only if kept brief. Nov 2012
clocksClocks There is great synergy between my life-long career and my hobby - see why here.Dec 2019
schoolEducation Customised projects for schools, technical colleges and universities2003
consultConsulting ESP also offers custom design and consulting services2002
Navigation & Utilities
siteSite Map Complete index of all available pages on this site
findSite Search Use the Freefind Custom Search to find a particular article or project  
findGoogle™ Search Search the ESP website with Google™ Custom Search to find what you are looking for  

forumESP Forum Discuss ESP projects and articles with other readers on the ESP Forum. When you sign up, you get an email to verify your address.
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gbESP Guestbook View or Sign the ESP Guestbook (Note: Requires login - details ... Username ... guest,  password ... esp-gb ) 
galleryESP Gallery Have a look at some of the outstanding builds using ESP boards - Contributions welcome!  Feb 2022
Privacy, Ethics & Security Update
copyrightCopyright A few facts about copyright, and what you can and cannot do with other peoples' material.Apr 2011
fakeCounterfeit Devices There are many counterfeit (fake) devices, and it pays you to be vigilant before buying anything that looks 'too cheap'.Jan 2022
disclaimDisclaimer The fine print. Please make sure that you read it thoroughly.2002
philosophyESP Philosophy My philosophy is based on factual (evidence based) information, and this article explains the basis behind all ESP articles and projectsMay 2020
ethicsPrivacy ESP's privacy and ethics policy2002
spamSpam/ Scams/ Security Some things for you to consider, regarding the threats posed by the InternetFeb 2021
General InformationUpdate
adsAdvertisements Why does ESP have advertising on most of the pages?
contributeContribute If you have an article or project you would like published, let me knowJun 2005
downloadDownloads Various useful programs and spreadsheets to make your life easierDec 2004
faqFAQs Frequently Asked Questions. Check here firstOct 2007
linksLinks to my favourite sites (plus additional and miscellaneous links)Apr 2005
miscUseful & Miscellaneous Various things that don't seem to have a real home anywhere elseApr 2010
whyWhy DIY? There are many reasons that people DIY, and there are also many benefits.May 2008

Dates shown in RED indicate new or updated pages, typically within the last two months.
ESP small   projects and articles are free for personal use only.  Any commercial use is strictly prohibited by international copyright laws without the express written consent of Rod Elliott.  Images and text are © 1999-2022 Rod Elliott (or as shown on each individual page), unless otherwise stated.  Web and graphics design by Rod Elliott except for specific (non ESP) logos where used, whose copyright is the property of the respective owner(s).

Links - Anyone wishing to link to my pages may do so freely, but please make the main index page ( the sole link.  Please do not link to individual pages or image files without asking first.  This ensures that visitors get to see all that the site has to offer, and not just a part of it.

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ESP LogoElliott Sound Products
PO Box 233
Thornleigh NSW 2120
ABN 77 069 281 668
Australia - I'm in Sydney
This site comes to you from Sydney, Australia.

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ESP acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land upon which it operates, and recognises their continuing connection to land, water and community.  We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.

The ESP logo is a registered trade mark of Elliott Sound Products.

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