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 Elliott Sound Products Download Page 

Page Last Updated - May 2021

This page has links for all download files available from The Audio Pages, as well as some other useful resources.  There aren't many, but the ones here are all extremely useful (IMO).  Feel free to suggest others, or submit your own (submissions must be freeware, and not crippled or restricted in any way).  Ad-ware (with embedded advertising) will not be accepted under any circumstances.

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Spreadsheets Application Notes Miscellaneous
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ESPESP original executable (Windoze only - sorry) SpreadsheetMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet
zipCompressed Archive (including self extracting) PDFAdobe Portable Document Format

Windows DLL Files
If you get an error message at startup, it is probable that the Visual Basic 4.0 runtime library is not installed on your computer.  The error message will be along the lines of 'ERROR starting Program.  A required DLL file, VB40032.DLL was not found'.

For Windows 98 and ME, the DLL (Dynamically Linked Library) should be in the \windows\system folder, or \windows\system32 for XP, NT or 2000.  The executable programs will not run if this file is missing, or is in the wrong location. Windows 7 & 10 machines should have the required runtime files for later programs.

For those souls who have tried in vain to get a copy of the Visual Basic DLL, you may have to search for a source.  The one that was shown has gone away.

ESP-SEMI - esp-semi.exe (37,735 Bytes - self extracting archive).  This is a small program to find transistor data. Not everything is listed (1442 different devices).  Download a copy, place it into the directory of choice and run the program, which is a self extracting archive.  There are two extracted files - ESP-TRAN.EXE and BIPOLAR.TXT, being the executable and database respectively. ESP-SEMI.EXE may be deleted after extraction unless you want to give a copy to someone else.  New stuff can be added as you find the data.  If you add a lot of stuff, feel free to e-mail me a copy of the new database (compressed, please!), and I will add it to the database file.

For users who eschew Windows, the text file is still useful, as it can be read with any text editor or even a spreadsheet (TAB delimited format).  Be careful with spreadsheets, as they like to try to convert some data into dates (really useful - not!).

ESP ESP-LR13 - esp-lr13.exe (90,112 bytes) Linkwitz-Riley crossover network calculator program. Shows the component values needed for the selected frequency, or will show the frequency for given component values. The help screen also has the standard E12 and E24 component value range for reference.

Version 1.3 is current, and supports both 24dB/Octave and 12dB/Octave Linkwitz-Riley filters for greater flexibility and more options for the constructor.

    This product was last tested in the Softpedia Labs on 26th of June 2018 by Elena Opris.  Softpedia guarantees that Linkwitz-Riley Crossover Calculator is 100% Clean, which means it does not contain any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.
This software product was tested thoroughly and was found absolutely clean; therefore, it can be installed with no concern by any computer user.  However, it should be noted that this product will be retested periodically and the award may be withdrawn, so you should check back occasionally and pay attention to the date of testing shown above.
100% Clean

MFB-FILTER - mfb-filter.exe (69,632 bytes) This program is designed to take the tedium from designing multiple feedback bandpass filters.  These filters are commonly used in graphic equalisers, analysers and for special applications.  A set of help screens are provided to assist with component value selection, and for determining the optimum frequency and Q of the filters for various applications.  Updated Oct 2022 - fixed bug that caused the program to fail with an error.

REMINDER - reminder.exe (8,844 bytes) Reminder is an interesting and very useful little program to help you remember those important dates, such as birthdays, anniversaries, car repayments, and almost anything you dare not forget.  In various forms, I have used this for around 20 years, and it has continued to prove itself (since I have been known to forget even my own birthday, the need for this program was fairly obvious.  :-))

Make sure that you create a shortcut in your startup folder, and you will be reminded each time you log in or start your computer.  When you first run the program, click on "Edit" quickly (the program will exit by itself in 10 seconds if there is nothing for that day).  Read the help info in the supplied demo file, delete the things you don't want, and enjoy.

LM3915 - (12,583 bytes) If you have checked the data sheet for the LM3915 LED bargraph display, you know just how irksome it is to calculate the resistor values to get the correct sensitivity and LED current.  Well fret no more, as this tiny program will do the work for you.  (See Project 60 for the circuit details.)

zip parR - (198K bytes) This program will calculate optimum series or parallel resistors to arrive at your chosen value.  Contributed by Dr. J.H. Verpoorten and written in Java, the zip file contains a Windows executable, the Java source code, a 'readme' and license file.  Distributed as freeware (GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE).

transformer1.exe Zipped executable (44,493 bytes).  'Transformer' is designed to allow detailed analysis of a transformer and rectifier circuit.  To determine the essential characteristics of a transformer, you will need to take some initial measurements.  Most of these are quite straightforward, but must be done with reasonable accuracy or the end result will be meaningless.  The end result shows the loaded and unloaded output voltage, VA rating, and lots more.  Note - requires VB6 runtime library to operate.

zip Zipped executable (12,950 bytes).  'Xformer' is a simple transformer design program, submitted by 'Particle'.  Fill in a few known values, and it will tell you the required turns ratio, total core flux, etc.  It is possible to build a transformer based on the output data.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS:   The ESP and contributed programs shown here are distributed as Freeware unless noted otherwise, and as such may be freely given away.  The software must not be modified or changed in any way and no fee is to be charged for redistribution.  Software is believed to be bug and virus free, but it is the user's responsibility absolutely to use the software and accept all or any consequences from the use thereof.  ESP accepts no liability or responsibility for data or other loss howsoever caused.  It is the user's responsibility to scan for viruses before using any program.

zip An updated version of the excellent Linkwitz Transform spreadsheet from True Audio ( This has had additions from Dean Canafranca (one of my readers) and I added the ability to use litres or cubic feet in the new section.  This is reproduced with the kind permission of True Audio.  The spreadsheet is in Microsoft Excel format, and is zipped to reduce the download time.

This spreadsheet is essential if you plan on building the Linkwitz transform circuit (Project 71), since it supplies the component values to achieve the desired response.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The Linkwitz Transform spreadsheet is the intellectual property of True Audio, and permission to re-publish or otherwise distribute the program may be granted only by True Audio.

zip  Theile-Small loudspeaker parameters made easy. Use this spreadsheet to determine all the Theile Small parameters, with a few simple measurements (See the article Measuring Loudspeaker Driver Parameters for the details of the tests.

zip (Zipped archive) This is a calculator to allow you to determine the thermal rating of a heatsink, based on the size of the fins and base. It is fairly accurate, although slightly pessimistic compared to manufacturer ratings (either that, or it is more realistic). Heatsink dimensions can be in inches or millimetres, and the total heatsink thermal resistance is in degrees C/W. The spreadsheet is zipped to reduce download time.

zip Design passive crossover networks with ease - includes Zobel network for woofer inductance compensation, notch filter for tweeter resonance suppression, and 6dB/Octave and 12dB/Octave Linkwitz-Riley aligned passive networks. Refer to the article Design of Passive Crossovers for full details.

zip (11,194 bytes) Trafo7 is a very comprehensive transformer analysis program.  Includes a 'readme' file to explain the terminology used.  Contributed by Martin Czech.

SIMetrix Intro - Circuit Simulator - SIMetrix is a low cost SPICE analog circuit simulation package and schematic editor for Windows 2000 and above.  A free ("intro") version of the software may be downloaded from this site.  This is an excellent simulator - and especially so as freeware!  Highly recommended.

Warning, this is a big download, at over 15MB

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Copyright Notice. All material described, including but not limited to all text and diagrams, are the intellectual property of Rod Elliott unless otherwise stated, and are © 1999-2018. Reproduction or re-publication by any means whatsoever, whether electronic, mechanical or electro-mechanical, is strictly prohibited under International Copyright laws. The author / editor (Rod Elliott) grants the reader the right to use this information for personal use only. Commercial use in whole or in part is prohibited without express written authorisation from Rod Elliott or the identified copyright owner.

Update Information: 11 Mar 2000 - Download page created./ 17 Jun 05 - moved application notes./ Apr 03 - added BOGUS./ 14 Sept - LM3915 calculator./ 13 Nov - reminder./ Nov 2001 - updated format./ Jan 2001 - added world time clock./ 08 Apr - heatsink calc./ 08 Jun 09 - Added note to stores, corrected link error for transformer executables./ Jun 18 - Included Softpedia '100% Clean' banner./ May 2021 - tidied directory structure, removed old (pre-Win7) files.