Elliott Sound Products | ESP Educational Projects |
Copyright © 2003 - Rod Elliott (ESP)
Page Created 30 Apr 2003
Technical colleges, schools and universities - ESP can design and supply educational kits, specialising in analogue electronics projects. Many of the featured projects have been used as student projects at educational institutions all over the world, but specialised projects designed to supplement specific parts of the curriculum can be developed, and either complete kits or just the blank PCB and full instructions can be supplied.
This is a new service from ESP, and I would be delighted to quote for any customised schematics, PCBs or complete kits, for almost any analogue or simple logic based project. As may be seen from the extensive range of projects and articles on The Audio Pages, there are a great many possibilities.
There is a big difference between knowing and understanding, and only by working with things at their most exposed level (discrete circuitry) does a student gain true understanding. A great many projects use ICs - sometimes highly specialised - the student may know how to use that IC (or similar ICs), but gets no understanding of the basic principles. With the passing years, the basics are being lost, with many engineers being unable to even bias a transistor for linear operation.
For more information and full details, please refer to the projects index - as can be seen, there are projects for construction of ever popular audio amplifiers and preamps, simple mixers, test equipment and lighting applications.
ESP is in a unique position to be able to offer anything from a complete service to just a design and/or a PCB to suit, along with comprehensive documentation. There are very few educational kit suppliers, and most are targetted at complete beginners - ESP can supply educational services for complete beginners, right through to advanced levels.
Some good examples of educational kits are ...
The above is a small sample of the possibilities, and there are obviously many more. One of the difficulties of educational kits is that they are usually designed with a "one size fits all" approach, and this limits their usefulness. It is also important that the circuits demonstrated should do exactly what was intended - they must work flawlessly if properly assembled, and have a wide tolerance for normal component variations.
Should you feel that well designed projects to reinforce the theoretical aspects of the curriculum would be helpful, please do not hesitate to contact me with details of your requirements. Having taught electronics, I know how important it is for students to have hands-on practical experience. Although discrete circuitry may well be considered "old hat" by the students of today, they will have a far, far greater understanding of basic principles if they are exposed to them in a way that makes the subject not only interesting, but fun. In my experience, people learn faster and better if the subject is fun - it greatly improves attention and (more importantly, retention), since people's minds don't wander very far when they are having a good time.
To contact ESP with any enquiry, please go to the Contact ESP page for details. I look forward to helping you to improve the education of our future engineers and technicians.