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The topic of lamps is now a major area for technology, and I continue to do measurements and tests on alternatives.  The page discussing CFLs has been pretty popular, and became so large that it's been split into different sections.  Because of the latest advances in LED lamps, they are also covered in their own sections in the pages that follow.

It is becoming very clear that the CFL is not only an interim product, but has many flaws that will severely limit its usefulness in the long term.  Essentially, CFLs have to compete with LED lamps that have much greater life, are now far more efficient, but don't have as many problems.  Recycling is simplified (no mercury), and the ability to operate at very low temperatures with instant full brightness and zero ultra-violet radiation will make LEDs the lamp of choice for many applications where CFLs are simply unsuitable.

The humble incandescent lamp still has its uses though, and hopefully governments the world over will realise that it is impractical (and just plain stupid) to place an arbitrary ban on them just because they are less efficient than other forms of lighting.  In quite a few applications, there are exactly zero alternatives to incandescent lamps, and the sooner this is recognised the better.  It's notable that many of the deadlines set have been and gone, yet there is still a good supply of incandescent lamps in most parts of the world.

In addition, there are minimum energy performance standards being imposed that are of sometimes dubious benefit, and in Australia it was even proposed (by bureaucrats) that some changes required that the laws of physics be rewritten to accommodate their goals.  This is not helpful.

Lamps and LightingUpdate
glsIncandescent Lamps The worldwide 'incandescent lamp ban' debate - get some facts before you act!Jan 13
cflCompact Fluorescent Lamps CFLs may not be to everyone's liking, but if used properly they are still a good optionJan 13
fluroFluorescent Lamps Traditional fluorescent tube lamps and their alternativesJan 12
fluro2Fluorescent Lamps - Part 2 How Fluorescent Lamps WorkJul 07
ledLED Lighting A look at some of the latest applications for LED lighting productsSep 08
thermalLED Thermal Management Examination of this most critical area of LED lightingSep 13
eslESL Lighting Electron Stimulated Luminescence Lamps - an overviewMar 12
splSulphur Plasma Lamps A look at sulphur plasma lamps - the next big thing or continued failure?Apr 10
dim1Dimmers (Part I) Dimmer technology, past, present and futureDec 13
dim2Dimmers (Part II) The focus is on 3-wire dimmers, why they are better and why 2-wire dimmers should be phased out nowMay 15
dim ledDimmers & LEDs Dimming LEDs continues to cause grief.  Find out why.  (See Dimmers Part II for more information) 0-10V DimmingMar 17
indInduction Lamps Induction lighting becomes mainstream.  A look at the technology usedDec 11
dim ledLumens, Lux & Candelas An overview of the three ways that describe how much light is provided by a given light sourceDec 13
indLuminaires & Temperature LED and CFL light sources are temperature sensitive because of the electronic power supplies.  High and low temperatures can cause problemsJan 14
Supplies & Power MeasurementsUpdate
elec xfmrElectronic Transformers How they work (in detail) and a warning to watch out for some that are very dangerousJun 10
psuExternal PSUs Hot on the heels of the CFL fiasco, now the legislators have banned external transformer suppliesMay 14
inrushInrush Current What it is, what it can do, and how to prevent it from causing problemsOct 10
pfPower Factor - Reality A simplified explanation of power factor (PF) so that the basic concepts are understood before delving deeperJul 20
inrushPower Factor Correction An explanation of how active power factor correction (PFC) circuits workJan 12
powerPower Calculations How to determine power, VA, RMS voltage and current - Analogue or digitalJan 17
reactReactance A close look at the effects of capacitance, inductance and non-linear loads on the power gridFeb 12
Alternative EnergyUpdate
scamPower Saver Scam The fraudsters are still at it - 'power savers' may not be in the news, but they refuse to go awayJan 12
scam2Power Saver Tests I ran tests on one of the fraudsters so-called 'products'.  No surprises, it doesn't work!Sep 13
windWind Turbine Introduction An introductory look at the economics and social problems of wind turbinesApr 10
ar nzWind Turbine Noise Wind turbines may not be the gentle giants they seem.  The introduction to NZ researchApr 10
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Lumens, Watts & Lux This book is just what's needed for those who are interested in knowing more about lighting in general and the often complex relationship between Lumens, Watts and Lux.  Karen Wardell has done a vast amount of research, and this book is the end result.  It used to be available from her website, but that's now shut down.  Try your local library.  A quote from the back cover ...
There are two sides to lighting design - a hard side and a soft side.

The hard side refers to the attributes and physical aspects of the design process (the things you cannot change), whereas the soft side (the human side) deals with things you can - such as the quantity of light, its quality and location.

This publication is more concerned with the latter, though a general understanding of lighting practice will benefit in the decision-making process.  It also helps to remind us which element we are dealing with regarding the two.
Karen's book is available in some libraries, but unfortunately her website no longer exists.

All material is copyright © as indicated on the individual page copyright notice.  Reproduction prohibited without written permission.