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 Elliott Sound Products Project 62-E 

LX-800 Miscellaneous Schematics


The circuits shown here comprise miscellaneous circuits not covered elsewhere, as well as various interconnections, DB-15 connectors and general cabling recommendations.

Input and Output Connectors

Each of the separate console controls (faders, switches, sound to light and chaser) has a plug reference, and the fader outputs are considered the master.  While the other controls have their own output connector, they are easily connected to the master by means of jumper cables as shown in the preceeding section.  The connectors are shown below ...

Figure 13
Figure 13 - Input and Output Connectors (DB15)

The power connections, namely +12, -12, +10 and GND should all be in parallel from each connector.  While this would cause major problems with any audio system, in a lighting controller there will be no issues.

The audio input is shown in section 2 (sound to light), and will typically be a stereo jack socket.  The strobe output can be anything you like, but a jack socket is suggested to retain cable compatibility.

Although I have had a number of enquiries about PCBs for this project, none is available at this time.  I do not expect to produce boards for this project, but this is determined by interest from potential constructors.  If ever available, only the most common and useful of the modules will be produced (primarily the ramp generator, power supply and dimmers).  There are likely to be some minor changes from the originally published designs.  The following are possible candidates ...

Strobe, chaser and sound to light (S2L) are not imperative for a basic lighting console, and PCBs are not expected to be available for those modules.  I am further contemplating (and only contemplating!) a PC controlled version.  I have yet to decide whether to go for a simple parallel port interface or DMX512 - if you have any feedback on this, let me know.  Bear in mind that DMX512 is a lot more difficult to implement, requires a dedicated microcontroller, and will be more expensive.

One possibility for further development is a MOSFET based trailing-edge dimmer.  These are much kinder to electronic loads as used in all LED lamps, but are considerably more complex than TRIAC dimmers.

Overview Faders & S2L Strobe & Chaser Power Control Connections Miscellaneous


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Copyright Notice. This article, including but not limited to all text and diagrams, is the intellectual property of Brian Connell and Rod Elliott, and is © 2000.  Reproduction or re-publication by any means whatsoever, whether electronic, mechanical or electro-mechanical, is strictly prohibited under International Copyright laws.  The author/editor (Brian Connell/Rod Elliott) grants the reader the right to use this  information for personal use only, and further allows that one (1) copy may be made for reference while constructing the project.  Commercial use is prohibited without express written authorisation from Brian Connell and Rod Elliott.
Page Created and Copyright (c) Rod Elliott/Brian Connell 14 Jul 2000./ Updated 17 Mar 2002 (original schematics removed)