It is so often beneficial to have something to laugh at (other than management and the antics of our elected representatives), that I have this humour collection - expect it to grow. Contributions from readers are most welcome.
Please Note: I don't want to offend anyone, and the Joke Collections have many risque offerings that may cause offence - please, if you don't like "off colour" jokes, don't go there.
Main Index
Satcure UNIQUE Audio Products
ESP's Humour Collection
- Dynamic Range Versus Ambient Noise - By George Izzard O'Veering - some light hearted reading for
the technical types
- Waltzing Matilda - An "interpretation" of Australia's most famous song
- HAL9000 - Stanley Kubrick, eat your heart out
- OS Airlines - If Your Operating System were an airline (perish the thought)
- Monty Python - A trio of the more famous (and suitably bizarre) sketches from those well known lunatics
- Murphy's Laws (and Others) - A collection of laws by the likes of Murphy, and joined by various others.
If you ever wanted to know what rules your life - here are a few answers.
- Joke Collection 1 - An array of jokes to appeal to (or otherwise) just about anyone -
Please note that some of these offerings may contain language that could offend.
- Joke Collection 2 - More jokes for your enjoyment. This also contains amusing
news headlines, hospital emergency room anecdotes and ... jokes!
- Joke Collection 3 - More jokes for your enjoyment. This also contains amusing
news clippings, household hints, more anecdotes and, of course ... jokes!
Please note that Murphy's Laws and the joke collections (1, 2 and 3) may be considered 'public domain' - feel free to copy, and an acknowledgement would be appreciated.