Elliott Sound Products Reader Feedback 

Some of the responses I have had from readers. It is most gratifying that so many of you have taken the time to respond. While all e-mails are answered, the answers to the offerings here are not reproduced, as they are basically my personal thanks to the sender. These letters are reproduced verbatim - no editing has been done at all, except to remove the writer's name (and in some cases additional info or questions).

Please note that I have basically stopped updating these reader response pages, as the task was becoming overwhelming. If you have something you really want others to see, ask me to publish it (rather than the other way 'round as it was before).

For more readers' responses (and my answers), please see Readers Letters

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Website Feedback

This is a small sample of the comments I get from readers. These are reproduced verbatim, with no modification to the text at all (hence some interesting spellings and typos :-)


Thanks for such a comprehensive treatise on bi-amp.

First of all i must congratulate you for your page, it's far the best i've visit on the net, because the didactics, the projects and the humour.

First of all I want to congratulate you for this great web-side. It's really the best audio/hobby side I've encounterd. The first time I saw it, I printed out all interesting articles and projects and I could not sleep that nigth till 6:30 because I had to read them all!!! Twice or three times cause I learned a lot while reading. Everything is indeed well written and has a beautiful style.

Impressive website - finally an engineer/audiophile who hasn't lost touch with reality. I thoroughly enjoyed reading everything!

Nice site. Informative and easy to navigate. I'm interted in seeing some pcb layouts when you get around to it.

Hello, I read your articles on the net and it is so interesting.

Thanks for this very informative overview on bi-amping.

Since I was browsing during office hours I didn't sign your guestbook, but felt I should compliment you on your site - easy to browse and full of sensible advice...

I enjoy your page very much! Please present an article on a digital delay circuit!

I have seen your website but I am not sure what business you are in. I absolutely agree with you about biamping. I have had many arguments with people over biwiring. I very much enjoy your article and feel it has more truth than most articles I have read on audio.

Hello, thanks for the very good article and caveats for the unwary.

Let me say, first of all, how much I enjoyed reading the articles on the ESP website. I found myself agreeing with almost everything you have written.

I have really enjoyed reading your project pages. I do wish that pcb's for the 60 watt amp were available.

Thanks for your splendid guidelines about amplifiers on your website. I didn't know about the nonlineairity of darlingtons and mosfets because of all the designs with them, till I had read your website, so I asked friends of me working in the electronic "scene" and they comfirmed it.

Thank you for a very good article.

I think you have an excellent site. It is one of the best I have found. I wish it were around 3 years ago. I find the articles to be very informative - I hope to see more and perhaps contribute to your site.

Hi .. my name is (name supplied) i,m from egypt , and my age is 21 year I very happy to contact your site and thanks for you to add this site in the internet.

I made your surround decoder, and works well.

Loved your website and the effort that you have put into it. Congratulations and my best wishes.

I surfed over to your site for the first time in a while. All the DoZ information was interesting. Some of it was over my head, and all of it is beyond my current skills and resources. But it was entertaining. Some "audiophiles" should be fairly irritated with the death of their misconceptions regarding their beloved Zen components.

It was great pleasure for me to read your articles of amplification theory and amplifier desigh particularly.
While I am not totally agree with your conception of FETs and MOSFETs usage in HI-FI, your approach to schematics is very reasonable and "classical". The same as mine.

Thanks for good web site. The capacitance multiplier is a great circuit! I have made a Pass zen-amp. Now I am making "death of zen"-amp. The things you have said about the Zen are true. I am not fanatic about any topology, though class-A is most interesting to me. I expect to get better definition and precision with your amp.

I just finished the Linkwitz-Riley cross-over. I built a pair of mid/tweeter bins with two mid-range and two tweeters (4 ohms) crossed over at 3000Hz. Then I built the L-R cross-over at 650Hz (34uF & 5K1 ohms). The bass driver is 97dB while the M/Ts are 94dB each. The Amps are a 125w into 8 ohms for the bass and 108w into 4 ohms for the M/T bins. It is a little top heavy, but when I build a 200w into 8 ohms amp, coupled with the 175w into 4 ohms amp currently driving the bass speaker I think it should be fine. I must say it is very "loud" and very clear in the voice and instrument range, without loosing any of the bottom end. It is an excellent result.

I just read your editorial, and I must say that it is very refreshing to hear someone finally talk some sense! It has always been my experience that audiophiles tend to subscribe to mystical cures to phantom problems they didn't even know they had! Thank you for your wisdom and straight forward approach.

I´m very interested in your "projekt 30" and I think I´m going to build it myself one. I´m recording on my computer and therefore I need a little outside mixer. I also saw that you had one chapter unfinished so I wonder if it´s possible that you can e-mail me some info about this when done? :)

Thanks for the very interesting web site. I look forward to visiting it often. It is nice to see valuable information given for free.

As ussual, your page is great stuff. ABout your Termal-fan cooling and the upcomming Termal Shutdown project. Please only use disctgrete devices (no Op-amp), so the circuit can be integrated into an Power-amp circuit, WITHOUT having to go to low-level PSU (like 12 V).

I am very pleased to have found your web site. I am an EE (Electronic Engineer) working as embedded designer/software developer and have developed a strong interest in professional music electronics since I started running my church's sound system . To my dismay I find that my formal education didn't really equip me for high quality audio equipment design. Over the last few months I have been searching the web for useful design information and practices. To my further dismay, I have found lots of "cookbook" type data but very little in the way of rigorous design. Most of what I have found so far is either based on component vendors application briefs or else the circuits presented don't appear to agree with what is claimed about them.

I find your articles interesting, well written and very informative. I especially like the fact that you lay out the pro's and con's of each design choice as you make it and don't try to hide the mistakes you have made. Too many of the "experts" I have read try to make you think their favorite scheme was handed down to them from on high and is the ultimate solution to all of life's problem. Real life is a lot messier than they allow for, especially since a solution that is a good fit for one problem may end up making a different one worse.
I encourage you to keep on disseminating sound (no pun intended, well maybe a little bit) audio circuits, exposing meaningless marketing hype in audio gear and the preaching the importance of testing (instrumenting) what you do.

You rock. I am so happy there are people like you in the world, preachin' the truth and laying it out clearly and plainly. Too many things i've been reading lately are written by people who i suspect don't really understand exactly what they are waving their hands at, and I know because all of a sudden things get too "complicated".

You have given me several enjoyable hours in my favorite coffeehouse so far. I'm slowly going to swallow the entire site, burp, and sit back with a complacent, enlightened grin on my face. What a relief that there's no magic where there shouldn't be, and all you gotta do is ask the right question and think a little.

Keep it up. Pass it on. Thank you.

I stopped by your site after someone posted a link to it from a guitar effects makers forum - so you probably know where I'm coming from here. Just like to say after reading through your reviews or the dodgy amps and spray etc, I was really surprised that at what crap people would believe.

I'm an electronics engineer, so I see and hear a lot of what you're talking about. Glad to see someone showing up these morons and exposing them for what they really are - frauds.

Great articles, keep it up

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